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Xavier Oyer

Hello, my name is Xavier Oyer. I'm 20 years old, and graduated high school in 2023. I was born in Sitka, Alaska. A few years after that, my parents and I moved to Florida, and later we moved to Illinois where I currently reside. I'm a part of the Tlingit tribe, although I've been very disconnected from my Native culture, I still wish to be a part of it and I am enjoying making connections with other Natives in this program. I currently work at McDonald's, I've been working there for 3 years. I’m great at problem solving and adapting to new changes. For example, at my current job, we’ve had several changes to procedure as well as many complications from those changes that I helped solve. I've had an interest in coding for a few years. It's fascinating to me how games work, especially independent games like Undertale and Heartbound. Games like these where the creator has full independent freedom to create what they want and transfer their ideas and creativity into a physical medium. I hope that through this program I can learn the skills to not only have a successful career, but to also learn the skills to someday put my ideas and passion in the medium I like most, out into the world.

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